- Take care all columns Web id & Lookup Filed List id
If you have Lookup field first create list and get id
-Get Site Columns-
$sourceWeb = Get-SPWeb http://yoursite.export.com$xmlFilePath = "C:\Backup\Script-SiteColumns.xml"
#Create Export Files
New-Item $xmlFilePath -type file -force
#Export Site Columns to XML file
Add-Content $xmlFilePath ""
Add-Content $xmlFilePath "`n
$sourceWeb.Fields | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Group -eq "your export group column") {
Add-Content $xmlFilePath $_.SchemaXml
Add-Content $xmlFilePath "
-Create Site Columns-
$installPath = "c:\Backup"
$fieldsXML = [xml](Get-Content($installPath + "\Script-SiteColumns.xml"))
$fieldsXML.Fields.Field | ForEach-Object {
#Configure core properties belonging to all column types
$fieldXML = '
Name="' + $_.Name + '"
ID="' + $_.ID + '"
Description="' + $_.Description + '"
DisplayName="' + $_.DisplayName + '"
StaticName="' + $_.StaticName + '"
Group="' + $_.Group + '"
Hidden="' + $_.Hidden + '"
Required="' + $_.Required + '"
Sealed="' + $_.Sealed + '"'
#Configure optional properties belonging to specific column types – you may need to add some extra properties here if present in your XML file
if ($_.ShowInDisplayForm) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'ShowInDisplayForm="' + $_.ShowInDisplayForm + '"'}
if ($_.ShowInEditForm) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'ShowInEditForm="' + $_.ShowInEditForm + '"'}
if ($_.ShowInListSettings) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'ShowInListSettings="' + $_.ShowInListSettings + '"'}
if ($_.ShowInNewForm) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'ShowInNewForm="' + $_.ShowInNewForm + '"'}
if ($_.EnforceUniqueValues) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'EnforceUniqueValues="' + $_.EnforceUniqueValues + '"'}
if ($_.Indexed) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'Indexed="' + $_.Indexed + '"'}
if ($_.Format) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'Format="' + $_.Format + '"'}
if ($_.MaxLength) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'MaxLength="' + $_.MaxLength + '"' }
if ($_.FillInChoice) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'FillInChoice="' + $_.FillInChoice + '"' }
if ($_.NumLines) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'NumLines="' + $_.NumLines + '"' }
if ($_.RichText) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'RichText="' + $_.RichText + '"' }
if ($_.RichTextMode) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'RichTextMode="' + $_.RichTextMode + '"' }
if ($_.IsolateStyles) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'IsolateStyles="' + $_.IsolateStyles + '"' }
if ($_.AppendOnly) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'AppendOnly="' + $_.AppendOnly + '"' }
if ($_.Sortable) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'Sortable="' + $_.Sortable + '"' }
if ($_.RestrictedMode) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'RestrictedMode="' + $_.RestrictedMode + '"' }
if ($_.UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary="' + $_.UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary + '"' }
if ($_.CanToggleHidden) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'CanToggleHidden="' + $_.CanToggleHidden + '"' }
if ($_.List) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'List="' + $_.List + '"' }
if ($_.ShowField) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'ShowField="' + $_.ShowField + '"' }
if ($_.UserSelectionMode) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'UserSelectionMode="' + $_.UserSelectionMode + '"' }
if ($_.UserSelectionScope) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'UserSelectionScope="' + $_.UserSelectionScope + '"' }
if ($_.BaseType) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'BaseType="' + $_.BaseType + '"' }
if ($_.Mult) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'Mult="' + $_.Mult + '"' }
if ($_.ReadOnly) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'ReadOnly="' + $_.ReadOnly + '"' }
if ($_.FieldRef) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n" + 'FieldRef="' + $_.FieldRef + '"' }
$fieldXML = $fieldXML + ">"
#Create choices if choice column
if ($_.Type -eq "Choice") {
$fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n
$_.Choices.Choice | ForEach-Object {
$fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n
$fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n
" }
#Set Default value, if specified
if ($_.Default) { $fieldXML = $fieldXML + "`n
#End XML tag specified for this field
$fieldXML = $fieldXML + "
#Create column on the site
write-host "Created site column" $_.DisplayName "on" $destWeb.Url
-Get Site Column & Content TYPES-
$xmlFilePath = "C:\Backup\Script-SiteContentTypes.xml"
#Create Export File
New-Item $xmlFilePath -type file -force
#Export Content Types to XML file
Add-Content $xmlFilePath ""
Add-Content $xmlFilePath "`n
$sourceWeb.ContentTypes | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Group -eq "your Export Content Type") {
Add-Content $xmlFilePath $_.SchemaXml
Add-Content $xmlFilePath "
-Create Site Columns And Content Types-
$destWeb = Get-SPWeb http://yoursite.import.com
$xmlFilePath = "C:\Backup\Script-SiteContentTypes.xml"
#Create Site Content Types
$ctsXML = [xml](Get-Content($xmlFilePath))
$ctsXML.ContentTypes.ContentType | ForEach-Object {
#Create Content Type object inheriting from parent
$spContentType = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType ($_.ID,$destWeb.ContentTypes,$_.Name)
#Set Content Type description and group
$spContentType.Description = $_.Description
$spContentType.Group = $_.Group
$_.Fields.Field | ForEach-Object {
#Create a field link for the Content Type by getting an existing column
$spFieldLink = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLink ($destWeb.Fields[$_.DisplayName])
#Check to see if column should be Optional, Required or Hidden
if ($_.Required -eq "TRUE") {$spFieldLink.Required = $true}
if ($_.Hidden -eq "TRUE") {$spFieldLink.Hidden = $true}
#Add column to Content Type
#Create Content Type on the site and update Content Type object
$ct = $destWeb.ContentTypes.Add($spContentType)
write-host "Content type" $ct.Name "has been created"
Referenced : http://get-spscripts.com/2011/02/export-and-importcreate-site-content.html
Thanks man :)
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